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Therefore "genesis" may be referring to the first book of The Bible's first five books. </note> of frogs:</l> <l>We turn the tubing and vivid cloth emerges</l> <l>Out of itself like a snake sloughing its skin;</l> <l>You whorl it tightly and I think this is</l> <l>How your great spirit must exist in you</l> <l>Compactly, coiled like a spring.</l> </lg> <lg> <l>From what misfortune could you not recover</l> <l>Who as a child made the pilgrimage</l> <l>To <placeName key="Lourdes" ref="" cert="medium">Lourdes</placeName>, eastward through the low green mountains</l> <l>Of your own land? You say the Virgin slept</l> <l>And say it lightly as if you had not been</l> <l>Bitterly born to your mother’s shame</l> <l>In an age when no one could tell you of</l> <l>The tiny gland that kept you tiny.</l> </lg> <lg> <l>Self-taught and independent by your own</l> <l>Inventions, you make buttons out of thread,</l> <l>Handbags with pockets hidden within pockets,</l> <l>And dresses that unfold as if corollas</l> <l>With minute parts inside. You instruct me in</l> <l>Techniques as secret as nature’s, my fingers</l> <l>Sure when yours are, atremble when yours falter</l> <l>Those sharp days when you feel more and more mortal.</l> </lg> </div> </body> <back> <p>Suzanne Noguere lives in New York City.</p> </back> </text> </TEI> Document Download Image - Name Sewing With My Great-Aunt Leonie Amestoy Object Type XML document Related Item No