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Jakacki</persName> <orgName>Bucknell University</orgName> <resp>Principal Investigator, REED London Online</resp> <resp>Records of Early English Drama (REED) Executive Board</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName xml:id="CB">Carolyn Black</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Project Manager, REED</resp> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018-Present</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Susan Brown</persName> <orgName>University of Guelph</orgName> <resp>Lead Investigator, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory (CWRC)</resp> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018-Present</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName xml:id="JC">James Cummings</persName> <orgName>Newcastle University</orgName> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018-Present</resp> <resp>Records of Early English Drama (REED) Executive Board</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Mihaela Ilovan</persName> <orgName>CWRC</orgName> <resp>Project Manager, CWRC</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Sally-Beth MacLean</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Director of Research and General Editor</resp> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018-Present</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Kim Martin</persName> <orgName>University of Guelph</orgName> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018-Present</resp> <resp>Linked Data Consultant</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Rachel Millio</persName> <orgName>Bucknell University</orgName> <resp>Research Assistant, 2018-Present</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Charlotte Simon</persName> <orgName>Bucknell University</orgName> <resp>Research Assistant, 2018-Present</resp> </respStmt> <!-- The following additional persons participated in the first phase of REED London, funded by an NHPRC-Andrew W. Mellon Digital Edition Publishing Cooperatives Planning Grant, 2018 --> <respStmt> <persName>John Bradley</persName> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Kathy Chung</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>REED Research Associate, NHPRC-Mellon Project Consultant, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Matthew Davies</persName> <orgName>University of London, Birkbeck College</orgName> <resp>Records of Early English Drama (REED) Executive Board</resp> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>David Kathman</persName> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Maureen Maclean</persName> <orgName>Bucknell University</orgName> <resp>REED London Research Assistant, 2018-2020</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Christopher Matusiak</persName> <orgName>Ithaca College</orgName> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Dorothy Porter</persName> <orgName>University of Pennsylvania</orgName> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Suzanne Westfall</persName> <orgName>Lafayette College</orgName> <resp>Records of Early English Drama (REED) Executive Board Member</resp> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <!-- The following persons are editors of REED print collections considered in REED London Online --> <respStmt> <persName>John R. Elliott Jr.</persName> <resp>Editor, Inns of Court</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Mary C. Erler</persName> <resp>Editor, Ecclesiastical London</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Anne Lancashire</persName> <resp>Editor, Civic London to 1558</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Alan H. Nelson</persName> <resp>Editor, Inns of Court</resp> </respStmt> <!-- The following persons are members of the REED Executive Board (2020-2021) --> <respStmt> <persName>Carolyn Black</persName> <orgName>University of Toronto</orgName> <resp>Project Manager</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>John Craig</persName> <orgName>Simon Fraser University</orgName> <resp>Chair</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>James Cummings</persName> <orgName>Newcastle University</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Matthew Davies</persName> <orgName>University of London</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Alexandra Gillespie</persName> <orgName>University of Toronto</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Peter Greenfield</persName> <orgName>University of Puget Sound</orgName> <resp>Secretary</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Diane Jakacki</persName> <orgName>Bucknell University</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Alexandra F. Johnston</persName> <orgName>University of Toronto</orgName> <resp>Founder and Senior Consultant</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Sally-Beth MacLean</persName> <orgName>University of Toronto</orgName> <resp>Director of Research and General Editor</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>C.E. McGee</persName> <orgName>St Jerome’s University</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Alan H. Nelson</persName> <orgName>University of California, Berkeley</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Paul Stevens</persName> <orgName>University of Toronto </orgName> <resp>Chair of English, ex officio</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Suzanne Westfall</persName> <orgName>Lafayette College</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Matthew Woodcock</persName> <orgName>University of East Anglia</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>John Bradley</persName> <orgName>King’s College London</orgName> <resp>Senior Digital Advisor</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>J.J. McGavin</persName> <orgName>University of Southampton</orgName> <resp>Corresponding Advisor</resp> </respStmt> <!-- The following persons were REED directors and editorial staff involved in the print publication of Civic London to 1558, Ecclesiastical London, and Inns of Court --> <respStmt> <persName>Carolyn Black</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Associate Editor</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Jason Boyd</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Patrons Researcher, Inns of Court</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Patrick Gregory</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Associate Editor, Civic London to 1558 and Inns of Court</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Tanya Hagen</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Bibliographer</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Alexandra F. Johnston</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Director</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Milton Kooistra</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Associate Bibliographer, Inns of Court</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Maria Lau</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Typesetter, Civic London to 1558 and Inns of Court</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Sally-Beth MacLean</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Associate Director/Executive Editor</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Gord Oxley</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Typesetter, Civic London to 1558 and Ecclesiastical London</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Arleane Ralph</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Associate Editor, Ecclesiastical London</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Abigail Ann Young</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Associate Editor</resp> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <editionStmt> <edition>version 2, released <date when-iso="2020-01-01">1 January 2020</date></edition> </editionStmt> <publicationStmt> <authority> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <address> <addrLine>University of Toronto</addrLine> <addrLine>170 St George Street, Suite 810</addrLine> <addrLine>Toronto, Ontario, Canada</addrLine> <addrLine>M5R 2M8</addrLine> </address> </authority> <availability> <p>Copyright <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName>, <date>2020</date></p> <licence target="">Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence.</licence> </availability> </publicationStmt> <seriesStmt> <title>Records of Early English Drama</title> </seriesStmt> <sourceDesc> <p>This publication constitutes a remediation of the printed REED collections - Inns of Court, Ecclesiastical London, and Civic London to 1558. Information on original sources for transcriptions can be accessed via the Document Descriptions. <listBibl> <biblStruct> <monogr> <title>Ecclesiastical London</title> <editor> <persName> <forename>Mary</forename> <addName>C.</addName> <surname>Erler</surname> </persName> </editor> <imprint> <publisher>University of Toronto Press and The British Library.</publisher> <date>2008</date> </imprint> <biblScope unit="page">504</biblScope> <extent> <idno type="ISBN">978-0-8020-9858-0</idno> <idno type="ISBN">978-0-7123-5024-2</idno> </extent> </monogr> </biblStruct> <biblStruct> <monogr> <title>Inns of Court</title> <editor> <persName> <forename>Alan</forename> <addName>H.</addName> <surname>Nelson</surname> </persName> </editor> <editor> <persName> <forename>John</forename> <addName>R.</addName> <surname>Elliott, Jr</surname> </persName> </editor> <imprint> <publisher>Boydell & Brewer</publisher> <date>2010</date> </imprint> <biblScope unit="page" n="1174">1174</biblScope> <biblScope unit="volume">3</biblScope> <biblScope> <idno type="ISBN">978-1-84384-259-0</idno> </biblScope> </monogr> </biblStruct> <biblStruct> <monogr> <title>Civic London to 1558</title> <editor> <persName> <forename>Ann</forename> <surname>Lancashire</surname> </persName> </editor> <editor> <persName> <forename>David</forename> <addName>J.</addName> <surname>Parkinson</surname> </persName> </editor> <imprint> <publisher>Boydell & Brewer</publisher> <date>2015</date> </imprint> <biblScope unit="volume">3</biblScope> <biblScope unit="page">1795</biblScope> <biblScope> <idno type="ISBN">978-1-84384-399-3</idno> </biblScope> </monogr> </biblStruct> </listBibl> </p> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <xenoData><rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:as="" xmlns:cwrc="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:foaf="" xmlns:geo="" xmlns:oa="" xmlns:schema="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:fabio="" xmlns:bf="" xmlns:cito="" xmlns:org=""> <rdf:Description rdf:datatype=""> <![CDATA[{ "@context": { "dcterms:created": { "@type": 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</rdf:RDF></xenoData><encodingDesc> <projectDesc> <p>Records of Early English Drama (REED) is an international scholarly project that is establishing for the first time the context from which the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries grew. Founded in 1976, REED has worked since then to locate, transcribe, and edit historical documents containing evidence of drama, secular music, and other communal entertainment and ceremony from the Middle Ages until 1642, when the Puritans closed the London theatres.</p> <p>REED London Online is a prototype online collection developing from the Records of Early English Drama (REED) in partnership with the Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory (CWRC) and supported by Bucknell University. It aims to establish an openly accessible online scholarly and pedagogical resource of London-centric documentary, editorial, and bibliographic materials related to performance, theatre, and music spanning the period 1100-1642. With support from an NHPRC-Mellon Planning Grant for Digital Edition Publishing Cooperatives and CANARIE Research Software Program grants, REED London is creating new environments for scholarly presentation of archival materials gathered from legal, ecclesiastical, civic, political, and personal archival sources in and around London. The objective of the REED London project team is to build a stable, extensible publication environment that optimizes access to these compiled materials in ways that respond to scholars’ research interests across disciplines. Consulting with other planning grant recipients will be invaluable to ensuring that REED London’s production and publication environment is in line with standards laid out in the NHPRC-Mellon grant objectives. It is hoped that the progress REED London and CWRC make will also inform the larger dialogue about best practices among funded teams.</p> </projectDesc> <classDecl> <taxonomy> <category xml:id="bibliography_sections"> <catDesc>Bibliography Sections</catDesc> <category xml:id="ioc"> <catDesc>Inns of Court</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="eccl"> <catDesc>Ecclesiastical London</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="civic"> <catDesc>Civic London to 1558</catDesc> </category> </category> <category xml:id="record_types"> <catDesc>Record Types</catDesc> <category xml:id="central_gvt"> <catDesc>central government and royal</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="chron_hist"> <catDesc>chronicles and histories</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="church"> <catDesc>church</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="corr_diplomatic"> <catDesc>correspondence, diplomatic</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="corr_personal"> <catDesc>correspondence, personal</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="education"> <catDesc>educational institution</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="family"> <catDesc>family</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="guild_craft"> <catDesc>guild, craft/trade</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="guild_rel"> <catDesc>guild, religious</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="legal"> <catDesc>legal</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="local_gvt"> <catDesc>local government</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="manor"> <catDesc>manorial</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="rel_community"> <catDesc>religious community</catDesc> </category> </category> <category xml:id="repositories"> <catDesc>Repositories</catDesc> <category xml:id="all-hallows-tower"> <catDesc>All Hallows by the Tower Muniments Room</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="AGS"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>AGS</abbr> <expan>Archivo General de Simancas</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="archivo-segreto-vaticano"> <catDesc>Archivo Segreto Vaticano</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="archivo-stato"> <catDesc>Archivio di Stato</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="barber-surgeons-hall"> <catDesc>Barber-Surgeons' Hall</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="BL"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>BL</abbr> <expan>British Library</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="Bodl."> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>Bodl.</abbr> <expan>Bodleian</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="clothworkers-hall"> <catDesc>Clothworkers' Hall</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="CUL"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>CUL</abbr> <expan>Cambridge University Library</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="derbyshire-record-office"> <catDesc>Derbyshire Record Office</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="dorset-history-centre"> <catDesc>Dorset History Centre</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="drapers-hall"> <catDesc>Drapers' Hall</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="folger-shakespeare-library"> <catDesc>Folger Shakespeare Library</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="goldsmiths-hall"> <catDesc>Goldsmiths' Hall</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="gonville-caius-library"> <catDesc>Gonville and Caius College Library (Cambridge)</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="GI-Arch"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>GI Arch</abbr> <expan>Gray's Inn Archives</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="GL"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>GL</abbr> <expan>Guildhall Library</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="hatfield-house-library"> <catDesc>Hatfield House Library</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="IT-Arch"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>IT Arch</abbr> <expan>Inner Temple Archives</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="IT-Lib"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>IT Lib</abbr> <expan>Inner Temple Library</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="lambeth-palace-library"> <catDesc>Lambeth Palace Library</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="leathersellers-hall"> <catDesc>Leathersellers' Hall</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="lincoln-cathedral-library"> <catDesc>Lincoln Cathedral Library</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="LI-Arch"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>LI Arch</abbr> <expan>Lincoln's Inn Archives</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="LI-Lib"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>LI Lib</abbr> <expan>Lincoln's Inn Library</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="london-metropolitan-archives"> <catDesc>London Metropolitan Archives</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="longleat-house"> <catDesc>Longleat House</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="mercers-hall"> <catDesc>Mercers' Hall</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="MT-Arch"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>MT Arch</abbr> <expan>Middle Temple Archives</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="MT-Lib"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>MT Lib</abbr> <expan>Middle Temple Library</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="parliamentary-archives"> <catDesc>Parliamentary Archives</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="rousham-house"> <catDesc>Rousham House</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="st-bartholomews-hospital-archives"> <catDesc>St Bartholomew's Hospital Archives</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="st-james-palace"> <catDesc>St James Palace</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="st-johns-college-library"> <catDesc>St John's College Library (Cambridge)</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="stationers-hall"> <catDesc>Stationers' Hall</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="TNA"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>TNA</abbr> <expan>The National Archives</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="trinity-college-library"> <catDesc>Trinity College Library (Cambridge)</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="york-city-archives"> <catDesc>York City Archives</catDesc> </category> </category> <category xml:id="short_title_catalogues"> <catDesc>Short-Title Catalogues</catDesc> <category xml:id="STC"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>STC</abbr> <expan>Pollard and Redgrave (eds), Short-Title Catalogue</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="Wing"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>Wing</abbr> <expan>Wing, Short-Title</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> </category> </taxonomy> </classDecl> </encodingDesc> <profileDesc> <langUsage> <language ident="en">English</language> <language ident="la">Latin</language> </langUsage> </profileDesc> <revisionDesc> <change when="2020-07-23" who="#CB">Added repositories and abbreviations to TEI header for Archivo General de Simancas, GI Arch, IT Arch, IT Lib, LI Arch, LI Lib, MT Arch, and MT Lib</change> <change when="2020-07-23" who="#CB">Replaced current REED editorial staff section in TEI header with names of staff responsible for three London collections</change> <change when="2020-02-15" who="#JAKA1">Updated master TEI header to refer to ongoing funding for REED London Online and to recognize repositories and record types as project expands.</change> </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <text type="record"> <body> <div><head><title>Court of Common Council, Journal 10, <date from-iso="1499" to-iso="1500">1499–1500</date></title> </head></div> <div type="transcription"> <div xml:lang="en"> <head><supplied>ff 183–5 <date when-iso="1500-03-16">(16 March)</date> </supplied></head> <pb n="183" type="folio"/> <ab rend="center">To the right hono<ex>u</ex>rable lord and worshipfull sou<ex>er</ex>aignes <persName ref="">my lord Maire</persName> and <orgName>Aldermen</orgName></ab> <ab>In<note type="marginal" place="margin_left"><handShift/>Intrat<ex>ur</ex><handShift/></note> humble wise shewen And compleyne vnto your<ex>e</ex> good lordship and Mast<ex>er</ex>shippes yo<ex>ur</ex> dayly bedemen the wardens and ffelasshippe of Mynstrelx <del>d</del> ffremen of this Citee that where as the continuell Reco<ex>ur</ex>se of foreyn Mynstrelx daily resorting to this Citee out of all the contrayes of Englande occupying here at more lib<ex>er</ex>tie than<note type="researchNote">than: n <hi rend="italic">corrected over</hi> t</note> fremen causith your said Suppliant<ex>es</ex> ffremen to be brought in suche pou<ex>er</ex>tie and decaye that they be not of power or habilite to bere charg<ex>es</ex> to pay lott and scot And do their dutie as other ffremen doon be cause their<ex>e</ex> lyving is taken from theym by suche man<ex>er</ex> of foreyns And where also as theise foreyn Mynstrelx be accustomed to do gret displesure And greuously ennoye the Citezens of this Citee as in presing to theire tables vpon the Churchehalydayes dedicac<ex>i</ex>ons Churching<ex>es</ex> wedding<ex>es</ex> and other ffeest<ex>es</ex> malgre the owners of houses where as they Resort w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex>out desire of any p<ex>er</ex>sone sumtyme v or vj w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex>out Cunnyng standing vnware at a b<ex>ou</ex>rdes ende to the gret greef and dissplesure of the Citezens and of theire honest freend<ex>es</ex> and neigbours as happen as happen<note type="researchNote">as happen as happen: <hi rend="italic">dittography</hi></note> to be p<ex>re</ex>sent And to the gret hurt and hynderance of yo<ex>ur</ex> said suppliant<ex>es</ex> Please it yo<ex>ur</ex> lordship and Mast<ex>er</ex>shippes in considerac<ex>i</ex>on of the p<ex>re</ex>misses And to thentent that your<ex>e</ex> said Suppliant<ex>es</ex> fremen <pb n="183v" type="folio"/> myght haue some furthirance ad<note type="researchNote">ad: <hi rend="italic">for</hi> and</note> relief before foreyns/ to grau<ex>n</ex>te enacte and establisshe thies Articles folowyng as ferre as they be reasnable atte Reu<ex>er</ex>ence of god and of Seint Anthonye their patrone/ to whome they shall co<ex>n</ex>tinually pray for the p<ex>ro</ex>sperous state of you and of thys noble Citee</ab> <ab>ffyrst to ordeyn enacte and establisshe that no maner foreyn of what so eu<ex>er</ex> co<ex>n</ex>dic<ex>i</ex>on he be of/ occupie any Ministrelcye singyng or playeng vpon any Instrume<ex>n</ex>t w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex>in any p<ex>ar</ex>isshe of this Citee or franchise thereof vpon any churchehalydayes or dedicac<ex>i</ex>on dayes halowed or kepte w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex>in the same parishe or any of them/ neither at no churchyng<ex>es</ex> weddyng<ex>es</ex> or brothirhedis made or kept w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex>in the same Citee or franchis vpon payn eu<ex>er</ex>y such foreyn Ministrell after <del>mete</del> monic<ex>i</ex>on to hym yeven by the wardeyns to pay for euery tyme that he shalbe found dooyng co<ex>n</ex>trarye to thys<note type="researchNote">thys: <hi rend="italic">corrected over</hi> the</note> Acte iij s. iiij d. the oon half thereof to Remayn to the comon vse of this Cetee and that othir half to the comon box of the said Craft</ab> <ab>Also for good and honest Rewle and order to be fromhensforth vsed and co<ex>n</ex>tynewed among<ex>es</ex> your said supplyant<ex>es</ex>/ Pleas it your lordship and Maisterships to ordeyn and enacte that the feloship of Ministrelx fremen of this Citee now beyng and their successours haue power autorite and libertie euery yere for euer more aft<ex>er</ex> to Assemble in A place where as they shall thynk co<ex>n</ex>uenyent and a day by them to be limted/ And soo by their co<ex>m</ex>mon voix and assent<note type="researchNote">assent: e <hi rend="italic">corrected</hi></note> or of the gretter <pb n="184" type="folio"/> p<ex>ar</ex>tie of them to chese ij able p<ex>er</ex>sones of the same feloship for to be wardeyns of the saide Craft for the yere folowyng/ And if any p<ex>er</ex>sone soo chosen wadeyn<note type="researchNote">wadeyn: <hi rend="italic">for</hi> wardeyn</note> refuse and forsake the said office off wardeynship euery persone so refusyng to <del>pey</del> pay xx s. half there to Remayn to the co<ex>m</ex>mon vse of this Cytee and that othir<ex>e</ex> half to the co<ex>m</ex>mon box aforsaid</ab> <ab>Also <del>for good</del> to ordeyn and enacte that the co<ex>m</ex>mon box of the said feleship be And Remayn fro yere to yere in the custodye and kepyng of the wardeyns of of<note type="researchNote">of of: <hi rend="italic">dittography</hi></note> the said craft for the tyme beyng/ And of all such money as the same wardeyns shall Receve in the tyme of their wardeynshype to yeve and yeld vp<del>on</del> vnto the hole feleshyp or to the grett<ex>er</ex> p<ex>ar</ex>tie of them a trew and A iust accompt in wrytyng w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex>in a Moneth aft<ex>er</ex> they shalbe discharged of theyr offyce vpon peyn euery of them to pay xx s. to be deuyted to the vse and box abouesaid/ And as for the keyes of the said co<ex>m</ex>mon box to be in the keping of ij honest p<ex>er</ex>sones freemen of the said Craft such as by the co<ex>m</ex>mon <del>vox</del> voix or of the mor p<ex>ar</ex>tie of the feleshype shalbe thereto named and Assigned</ab> <ab>Also that euery freeman or brothir of the said Crafte/ paye yerely to the supportac<ex>i</ex>on of the charg<ex>es</ex> of the said Craft xij d. by yere/ to is<note type="researchNote">to is: <hi rend="italic">for</hi> that is</note> to saye iij d. at euery quarter day/ Euery p<ex>er</ex>sone not payenge this man<ex>er</ex> of quarterage at euery quart<ex>er</ex> day or w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex>in xx dayes next and immedyatly folowyng to pay as often iij s. iiij d. to Remayn and to be diuided to the co<ex>m</ex>mon vse and box aboue said <pb n="184" type="folio"/></ab> <ab>Also <add place="above"><del><damage><gap unit="chars" extent="3"/></damage></del></add><note type="researchNote"><add place="above"><del><damage><gap unit="chars" extent="3"/></damage></del></add>: <hi rend="italic">17mm illegible</hi></note> that euery freeman of the said Craft p<ex>re</ex>sent euerich of his app<ex>re</ex>ntic<ex>es</ex> to the wardeyn of the said Crafte for the tyme beyng w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex>in a moneth immedyatly after that any such apprentyce shalbe bounde payeng at his p<ex>re</ex>sentac<ex>i</ex>on to the co<ex>m</ex>mon vse of the said Crafte xx d. And yef any p<ex>er</ex>sone be founde necligent and doe<note type="researchNote">doe: <hi rend="italic">possibly</hi> doo<hi rend="italic">; separated from</hi> not <hi rend="italic">by virgule</hi></note>/ not p<ex>re</ex>sent hys app<ex>re</ex>ntice w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex>in a monyth payeng the fyen of xx d. as is aforrehersed that eu<ex>er</ex>y such p<ex>er</ex>sone to forfaite x s. half therof to Remayn to the vse of this Cytee and that othir half to the co<ex>m</ex>mon box of <del>of</del> the sayd Craft</ab> <ab>Also to ordeyn that if any p<ex>er</ex>sone enfranchised in the said Craft or brothir of the same warned by the bedyll of the craft<note type="researchNote">craft: <hi rend="italic">separated from</hi> for <hi rend="italic">by virgule</hi></note>/ for to come to the quarter dayes or to the Assemble of the wardeyns of the said Craft for the tyme beyng. And w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex>out Resonable excuse absentith hym self or not willyng to co<ex>m</ex>me. to paye as often ij s. half therof to Remayn to the co<ex>m</ex>mon vse and that othir half to the box aforesaid</ab> <ab>Also to ordeyn that no p<ex>er</ex>sone enfranchised of the said Crafte or brothir of the same <del>warned</del> presume to Rebuke Revile or greve ^ <add place="above">w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex></add> any Sclanderous wordes or wordes of velanys to the wardeyns of the said Craft for the tyme beyng or to any othir p<ex>er</ex>sonne brothir or freeman of the said feloship vpon peyn to paye at eu<ex>er</ex>y tyme that any of them shalbe founde culpable of such on fittyng langage vj s. viij d. half thereof to Remayn to the co<ex>m</ex>mon vse of this <pb n="184v" type="folio"/> of this<note type="researchNote">of this of this: <hi rend="italic">dittography</hi></note> Citee and that othir half to the co<ex>m</ex>mon box of the said Crafte Also to ordeyn that non of the said feleship Ministrelx enfraunchised or brothir of the saide Craft tech or informe any other p<ex>er</ex>son then hys own app<ex>re</ex>ntis in any poynt of the feat of Minstralsy vpon payn of forfeature of xx s. to be emplyed in fo<ex>ur</ex>me aforesaid Neuertheles if any Gentilman or marchant be disposid for to lerne any thyng for their pleasure/ that it be leifull to euerich of that the said Craft to enforme and teche eu<ex>er</ex>y such gentilman or marchant</ab> <ab>Also to ordeyn that no freman of the said Craft take any s<ex>er</ex>uant allowes s<ex>er</ex>uant by yere or in co<ex>n</ex>venant for any terme more or lese othir wise than by app<ex>re</ex>nticehode for vij yeres accordyng to the laudable coustome of this Citee vpon peyn of forfaiture of xl s. half therof to Remayn to the co<ex>m</ex>mon vse of this Citee and othir half to the common box of the said Craft Provided alway that the foresaid Act<ex>es</ex> and ordynance exstend not or bee preudyciall to the king<ex>es</ex> Ministrelx the <del>Quens</del> ^ <add place="above">Quenes</add> the prences the kinges Moders or to any Lord<ex>es</ex> Ministrelles of the p<ex>ar</ex>lyament but that they and euery of them vse and occupie the feat of Ministrelcye w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex>in the same Citee as they dede or ought to doo before the makyng of this ordenance soo as they be not Resident enhabet or co<ex>n</ex>tynually co<ex>n</ex>uersaunt w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex>in the same Citee</ab> <ab>Qua quid<ex>e</ex>m bill<ex>a</ex> &c. Concest<ex>a</ex> est p<ex>er</ex> curiam &c.<note type="researchNote">In ... curiam &: <hi rend="italic">text on ff 183–5 also in Letter Book M, ff 22–3</hi></note></ab> </div> <div xml:lang="la"> <head><supplied>f 187v <date from-iso="1500-05-05">(5 May) (Translated from Latin)</date></supplied></head> <pb n="187v" type="folio"/> <gap reason="omitted"/> <ab>In<note type="marginal" place="margin_left"><handShift/>See more about that on the two folios following (this one) at the following sign I<handShift/></note> this common council it was granted that one fifteenth and a half of one fifteenth be levied and collected by wards against the coming and reception of the <persName ref="">Lady Katherine</persName>, daughter of the king and queen of Spain, to bear the charges of the said coming and reception.</ab> <ab>Likewise<note type="marginal" place="margin_left"><handShift/>See more about that in the time of Shaa<note type="researchNote">Shaa: <hi rend="italic">John Shaa, goldsmith, mayor 1501–2</hi></note> at the sign I<handShift/></note> in the same common council the underwritten persons were chosen to supervise each and every charge, outlay, and expense incurred or to be incurred in any way on the occasion or pretext of the said coming and reception, with this intention, that if any of the money given of the fifteenth and a half is left after all charges and expenses are paid, that whole remainder should be turned to some public use, according to the judgment of the said four persons.</ab> <table> <row><cell><persName>Christopher Halles</persName>, <orgName ref="">mercer</orgName></cell> <cell><persName>Richard Hawkyns</persName>, <orgName ref="">draper</orgName></cell></row> <row><cell><persName>William Holt</persName>, <orgName ref="">grocer</orgName></cell> <cell><persName>Nicholas Nynys</persName>, <orgName ref="">tailor</orgName><note type="researchNote">Translation from original Latin: <ab>In<note type="marginal" place="margin_left"><handShift/>vide plus inde 2 fol<ex>io</ex> sequen<ex>ti</ex> ad t<ex>a</ex>le sig<ex>nu</ex>m I<handShift/></note> isto Co<ex>mun</ex>i Consilio concess<ex>a</ex> est vna xv.<hi rend="superscript">ma</hi> & media vni<ex>us</ex> xv<hi rend="superscript">me</hi> leuand<ex>e</ex> & Colligend<ex>e</ex> p<ex>er</ex> wardas erga Aduentum & Recepc<ex>i</ex>o<ex>n</ex>em d<ex>omi</ex>ne kat<ex>er</ex>ine ffilie Regis & Regine hispannie ad onera dictor<ex>um</ex> aduent<ex>us</ex> & recepc<ex>i</ex>o<ex>n</ex>is supportand<ex>a</ex></ab> <ab>It<ex>e</ex>m<note type="marginal" place="margin_left"><handShift/>It<ex>em</ex> vide plus inde te<ex>mpor</ex>e Shaa<note type="researchNote">Shaa: <hi rend="italic">John Shaa, goldsmith, mayor 1501–2</hi></note> ad sig<ex>num</ex> I<handShift/></note> in eod<ex>e</ex>m Co<ex>mun</ex>i Consilio elect<ex>e</ex> sunt p<ex>er</ex>sone subscript<ex>e</ex> ad sup<ex>er</ex>uidend<ex>um</ex> om<ex>n</ex>ia & sing<ex>u</ex>la on<ex>er</ex>a Sumptus & expens<ex>as</ex> occas<ex>io</ex>ne & p<ex>re</ex>textu dict<ex>orum</ex> aduentus & Recepc<ex>i</ex>o<ex>n</ex>is quoquo modo fact<ex>as</ex> siue faciend<ex>as</ex>/ ea intenc<ex>i</ex>o<ex>n</ex>e vt si solut<ex>is</ex> sing<ex>u</ex>lis on<ex>er</ex>ib<ex>us</ex> & expens<ex>is</ex> aliquid de denar<ex>ijs</ex> dat<ex>is</ex> xv<hi rend="superscript">me</hi> & di<ex>midij</ex> xv<hi rend="superscript">me</hi> sup<ex>er</ex>fu<ex>er</ex>it illud totu<ex>m</ex> Residuu<ex>m</ex> conu<ex>er</ex>tet<ex>ur</ex> in alique<ex>m</ex> vsum pu<ex>bli</ex>cum s<ex>e</ex>c<ex>un</ex>d<ex>u</ex>m discrec<ex>i</ex>o<ex>n</ex>em dict<ex>arum</ex> iiij<hi rend="superscript">or</hi> p<ex>er</ex>sonar<ex>um</ex></ab> <table> <row><cell>chr<ex>ist</ex>ofer<ex>us</ex> Halles m<ex>er</ex>c<ex>er</ex>us</cell> <cell>Ric<ex>ard</ex>us Hawkyns pannar<ex>ius</ex></cell></row> <row><cell>will<ex>ia</ex>mus Holt Groc<ex>er</ex>us</cell> <cell>Nich<ex>ola</ex>us Nynys Cissor</cell></row> </table></note></cell></row> </table> <gap reason="omitted"/> </div> <div xml:lang="en"> <head><supplied>f 190v <date from-iso="1500-05" to-iso="1500-07">(Between May and July)</date> </supplied></head> <pb n="190v" type="folio"/> <ab>It<note type="marginal" place="margin_left">I</note> is agreed that <persName>Iohn Hert</persName> of the Chamber <del>callyng to hym suche a Clerke of the Co<ex>ur</ex>t as he wille</del> shall receyve alle suche Sommes of money as shalbe brought to hym by the Collecto<ex>ur</ex>s of eu<ex>er</ex>y <del>worke</del> warde of this Citee of and for the xv.<hi rend="superscript">me</hi> di. .xv.<hi rend="superscript">me</hi> late graunted by auctorite of <orgName>co<ex>m</ex>e<ex>n</ex> Counseill</orgName> for the Receyvyng of the <persName ref="">Lady kat<ex>er</ex>yn</persName> doughter of the kyng of Spaign and that the same Iohn shall from tyme to tyme deliuer to <persName>the Chamb<ex>er</ex>leyn</persName> suche money as he <del>rehe</del> receyveth in bagges ensealed with his Seall/ And ouer that the same Iohn shall from tyme to tyme in the p<ex>re</ex>sence of one at the lest of the iiij audito<ex>u</ex>rs for that vse appoynted whoos namys herafter follwen pay and deliuer to suche p<ex>er</ex>sones as ben appointed for the Garnysshyng of the pagent<ex>es</ex> suche Sommes of money as they shall demaunde and axe for the Charges that they ben appoynted ^ <add place="above"><del>te</del>to</add> and to pay no money but <del>i</del> in the p<ex>re</ex>sence and sight of the said audito<ex>ur</ex>s or one of theym at the lest</ab> <gap reason="omitted"/> </div> </div> <div type="endnote"> <div><head>Endnote</head> <p>The ordinances from ff 183–5 are undated in Journal 10; the immediately preceding entries are from 19 March and 10 May, and the following entry is from 31 March. They are dated 16 March in the version in Letter Book M, ff 22–23, where they have an identifying marginal heading (ordinances of the Minstrels of London), a Latin introduction (providing the date and the mayor’s name), and a longer Latin conclusion (stating that the mayor and aldermen unanimously consented to these ordinances and ordered them to be recorded for future observance). The Letter Book M version also consistently adds an interlined reference to a master to the Journal’s references to wardens, and has many minor wording differences from the Journal version.</p> <p>In the Journal, at the end of f 183, come two lines in the lower right corner of the page, ‘leue <damage><gap unit="chars" extent="3"/></damage>e iij/ leves vnwrete<ex>n</ex>,’ and the ordinances then continue in a different hand for another four pages. ‘<damage><gap unit="chars" extent="3"/></damage>e’ could be ‘inne’; the illegible letters are a series of tiny minims measuring 4 mm across.</p> <p>On f 187v a marginal drawn sign and a note, the latter transcribed, appear to the left of the manuscript heading for the 5 May common council, above the record here, and refer to the record, from f 190v, concerning the royal entry of Katherine of Aragon (for which, see <ref target="">Appendix 1</ref> under 1501–2), where the same drawn sign and an I appear in the left-hand margin at the record’s first line. (The drawn, flower-like sign at least sometimes in this manuscript seems to mark common councils; here it is associated on f 190v with the ‘I’ indicator.) The second marginal note and its ‘I,' seemingly referring to more Aragon royal-entry information, during John Shaa’s mayoralty, do not have such a clear reference connection. A November 1501 Aragon precept (<ref target="">Court of Common Council, Journal 10, 1501–2</ref>) has no ‘I’ or other such sign in the margin; an October 1502 Aragon item (f 267v; though transcribed from Repertory 1, under 1501–2) does have a marginal sign (a paragraphus) to the left, but not an I. There are no other Aragon items entered in Journal 10 from the period of John Shaa’s mayoralty (1501–2), to which the second marginal note from f 187v refers, although two others after f 187v do occur before that mayoralty: on f 190v (transcribed here) and on f 235 (7 October 1501; <ref target="">Court of Common Council, Journal 10, 1500–1</ref>). For fifteenths, see the "Formal Entries" section of <ref target="">Drama, Music, and Ceremonial Customs</ref>. The undated record on f 190v is preceded on f 190 of Journal 10 by a 19 May entry, followed by a 22 July entry, and is referred to in one marginal note to the f 187v 5 May entry here (a note probably written later than the entry itself ).</p></div> </div> <div type="event"> <div><head>Event note</head> <p>This record refers to the royal entry of Katherine of Aragon on 12 November 1501.</p></div> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> Document Download Object Type XML document