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Jakacki</persName> <orgName>Bucknell University</orgName> <resp>Principal Investigator, REED London Online</resp> <resp>Records of Early English Drama (REED) Executive Board</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName xml:id="CB">Carolyn Black</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Project Manager, REED</resp> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018-Present</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Susan Brown</persName> <orgName>University of Guelph</orgName> <resp>Lead Investigator, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory (CWRC)</resp> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018-Present</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName xml:id="JC">James Cummings</persName> <orgName>Newcastle University</orgName> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018-Present</resp> <resp>Records of Early English Drama (REED) Executive Board</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Mihaela Ilovan</persName> <orgName>CWRC</orgName> <resp>Project Manager, CWRC</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Sally-Beth MacLean</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Director of Research and General Editor</resp> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018-Present</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Kim Martin</persName> <orgName>University of Guelph</orgName> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018-Present</resp> <resp>Linked Data Consultant</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Rachel Millio</persName> <orgName>Bucknell University</orgName> <resp>Research Assistant, 2018-Present</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Charlotte Simon</persName> <orgName>Bucknell University</orgName> <resp>Research Assistant, 2018-Present</resp> </respStmt> <!-- The following additional persons participated in the first phase of REED London, funded by an NHPRC-Andrew W. Mellon Digital Edition Publishing Cooperatives Planning Grant, 2018 --> <respStmt> <persName>John Bradley</persName> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Kathy Chung</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>REED Research Associate, NHPRC-Mellon Project Consultant, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Matthew Davies</persName> <orgName>University of London, Birkbeck College</orgName> <resp>Records of Early English Drama (REED) Executive Board</resp> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>David Kathman</persName> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Maureen Maclean</persName> <orgName>Bucknell University</orgName> <resp>REED London Research Assistant, 2018-2020</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Christopher Matusiak</persName> <orgName>Ithaca College</orgName> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Dorothy Porter</persName> <orgName>University of Pennsylvania</orgName> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Suzanne Westfall</persName> <orgName>Lafayette College</orgName> <resp>Records of Early English Drama (REED) Executive Board Member</resp> <resp>NHPRC-Mellon Project Team Member, 2018</resp> </respStmt> <!-- The following persons are editors of REED print collections considered in REED London Online --> <respStmt> <persName>John R. Elliott Jr.</persName> <resp>Editor, Inns of Court</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Mary C. Erler</persName> <resp>Editor, Ecclesiastical London</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Anne Lancashire</persName> <resp>Editor, Civic London to 1558</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Alan H. Nelson</persName> <resp>Editor, Inns of Court</resp> </respStmt> <!-- The following persons are members of the REED Executive Board (2022-2023) --> <respStmt> <persName>John Craig</persName> <orgName>Simon Fraser University</orgName> <resp>Chair</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>James Cummings</persName> <orgName>Newcastle University</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Matthew Davies</persName> <orgName>University of London</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Peter Greenfield</persName> <orgName>University of Puget Sound</orgName> <resp>Secretary</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Diane Jakacki</persName> <orgName>Bucknell University</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Alexandra F. Johnston</persName> <orgName>University of Toronto</orgName> <resp>Founder and Senior Consultant</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Naomi Morgenstern</persName> <orgName>University of Toronto</orgName> <resp>Graduate Chair and Chair of Department of English, ex officio</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Sally-Beth MacLean</persName> <orgName>University of Toronto</orgName> <resp>Director of Research and General Editor</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>C.E. McGee</persName> <orgName>St Jerome’s University</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Alan H. Nelson</persName> <orgName>University of California, Berkeley</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Suzanne Westfall</persName> <orgName>Lafayette College</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Paul Whitfield White</persName> <orgName>UPurdue University</orgName> <resp>Board Member</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>John Bradley</persName> <orgName>King’s College London</orgName> <resp>Senior Digital Advisor</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>J.J. McGavin</persName> <orgName>University of Southampton</orgName> <resp>Corresponding Advisor</resp> </respStmt> <!-- The following persons were REED directors and editorial staff involved in the print publication of Civic London to 1558, Ecclesiastical London, and Inns of Court --> <respStmt> <persName>Carolyn Black</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Associate Editor</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Jason Boyd</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Patrons Researcher, Inns of Court</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Patrick Gregory</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Associate Editor, Civic London to 1558 and Inns of Court</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Tanya Hagen</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Bibliographer</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Alexandra F. Johnston</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Director</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Milton Kooistra</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Associate Bibliographer, Inns of Court</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Maria Lau</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Typesetter, Civic London to 1558 and Inns of Court</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Sally-Beth MacLean</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Associate Director/Executive Editor</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Gord Oxley</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Typesetter, Civic London to 1558 and Ecclesiastical London</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Arleane Ralph</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Associate Editor, Ecclesiastical London</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Abigail Ann Young</persName> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <resp>Associate Editor</resp> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <editionStmt> <edition>version 2, released <date when-iso="2020-01-01">1 January 2020</date></edition> </editionStmt> <publicationStmt> <authority> <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName> <address> <addrLine>University of Toronto</addrLine> <addrLine>170 St George Street, Suite 810</addrLine> <addrLine>Toronto, Ontario, Canada</addrLine> <addrLine>M5R 2M8</addrLine> </address> </authority> <availability> <p>Copyright <orgName>Records of Early English Drama (REED)</orgName>, <date>2020</date></p> <licence target="">Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence.</licence> </availability> </publicationStmt> <seriesStmt> <title>Records of Early English Drama</title> </seriesStmt> <sourceDesc> <p>This publication constitutes a remediation of the printed REED collections - Inns of Court, Ecclesiastical London, and Civic London to 1558. Information on original sources for transcriptions can be accessed via the Document Descriptions. <listBibl> <biblStruct> <monogr> <title>Ecclesiastical London</title> <editor> <persName> <forename>Mary</forename> <addName>C.</addName> <surname>Erler</surname> </persName> </editor> <imprint> <publisher>University of Toronto Press and The British Library.</publisher> <date>2008</date> </imprint> <biblScope unit="page">504</biblScope> <extent> <idno type="ISBN">978-0-8020-9858-0</idno> <idno type="ISBN">978-0-7123-5024-2</idno> </extent> </monogr> </biblStruct> <biblStruct> <monogr> <title>Inns of Court</title> <editor> <persName> <forename>Alan</forename> <addName>H.</addName> <surname>Nelson</surname> </persName> </editor> <editor> <persName> <forename>John</forename> <addName>R.</addName> <surname>Elliott, Jr</surname> </persName> </editor> <imprint> <publisher>Boydell & Brewer</publisher> <date>2010</date> </imprint> <biblScope unit="page" n="1174">1174</biblScope> <biblScope unit="volume">3</biblScope> <biblScope> <idno type="ISBN">978-1-84384-259-0</idno> </biblScope> </monogr> </biblStruct> <biblStruct> <monogr> <title>Civic London to 1558</title> <editor> <persName> <forename>Ann</forename> <surname>Lancashire</surname> </persName> </editor> <editor> <persName> <forename>David</forename> <addName>J.</addName> <surname>Parkinson</surname> </persName> </editor> <imprint> <publisher>Boydell & Brewer</publisher> <date>2015</date> </imprint> <biblScope unit="volume">3</biblScope> <biblScope unit="page">1795</biblScope> <biblScope> <idno type="ISBN">978-1-84384-399-3</idno> </biblScope> </monogr> </biblStruct> </listBibl> </p> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <xenoData><rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:as="" xmlns:cwrc="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:foaf="" xmlns:geo="" xmlns:oa="" xmlns:schema="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:fabio="" xmlns:bf="" xmlns:cito="" xmlns:org=""> <rdf:Description rdf:datatype=""> <![CDATA[{ "@context": { "dcterms:created": { "@type": 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proximo sequenti\n s & hoc sub pena inprisonamenti \n \n Memorandum Clerici Maioris\n & vicecomitum erunt\n contributorij Ad omnia onera &c.\n Adnullatum postea Ad Curiam tempore Rest\n Maioris \n Item Consideratum est quod clerici\n curie Maioris et clerici computatoriorum\n computatoriorum: for computatorij\n de nec non seruientes et valecti Maioris et\n vicecomtum de cetero erunt\n contributorij ad omnia onera assessa sicut alij ciues\n secundum facultates suas se ita tamen\n quod de vigilijs & ceteris officijs viz.\n constabularijs et similes similes: for similibus penitus exonerabunturffinis\n xxti li. assessus\n super\n s Misteram Mercerorum\n " }, "as:generator": { "@id": "", "@type": "as:Application", "rdfs:label": "LEAF-Writer", "schema:url": "", "schema:softwareVersion": "3.4.0" } }]]> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:datatype=""> <![CDATA[{ "@context": { "dcterms:created": { "@type": "xsd:dateTime", "@id": "dcterms:created" }, "dcterms:issued": { "@type": 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Founded in 1976, REED has worked since then to locate, transcribe, and edit historical documents containing evidence of drama, secular music, and other communal entertainment and ceremony from the Middle Ages until 1642, when the Puritans closed the London theatres.</p> <p>REED London Online is a prototype online collection developing from the Records of Early English Drama (REED) in partnership with the Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory (CWRC) and supported by Bucknell University. It aims to establish an openly accessible online scholarly and pedagogical resource of London-centric documentary, editorial, and bibliographic materials related to performance, theatre, and music spanning the period 1100-1642. With support from an NHPRC-Mellon Planning Grant for Digital Edition Publishing Cooperatives and CANARIE Research Software Program grants, REED London is creating new environments for scholarly presentation of archival materials gathered from legal, ecclesiastical, civic, political, and personal archival sources in and around London. The objective of the REED London project team is to build a stable, extensible publication environment that optimizes access to these compiled materials in ways that respond to scholars’ research interests across disciplines. Consulting with other planning grant recipients will be invaluable to ensuring that REED London’s production and publication environment is in line with standards laid out in the NHPRC-Mellon grant objectives. It is hoped that the progress REED London and CWRC make will also inform the larger dialogue about best practices among funded teams.</p> </projectDesc> <classDecl> <taxonomy> <category xml:id="bibliography_sections"> <catDesc>Bibliography Sections</catDesc> <category xml:id="ioc"> <catDesc>Inns of Court</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="eccl"> <catDesc>Ecclesiastical London</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="civic"> <catDesc>Civic London to 1558</catDesc> </category> </category> <category xml:id="record_types"> <catDesc>Record Types</catDesc> <category xml:id="central_gvt"> <catDesc>central government and royal</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="chron_hist"> <catDesc>chronicles and histories</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="church"> <catDesc>church</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="corr_diplomatic"> <catDesc>correspondence, diplomatic</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="corr_personal"> <catDesc>correspondence, personal</catDesc> </category> <category 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Vaticano</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="archivo-stato"> <catDesc>Archivio di Stato</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="barber-surgeons-hall"> <catDesc> Barber-Surgeons' Hall</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="BL"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>BL</abbr> <expan>British Library</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="Bodl."> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>Bodl.</abbr> <expan>Bodleian</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="CH"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>CH</abbr> <expan>Clothworkers' Hall</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="CUL"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>CUL</abbr> <expan>Cambridge University Library</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="derbyshire-record-office"> <catDesc>Derbyshire Record Office</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="dorset-history-centre"> <catDesc>Dorset History Centre</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="DH"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>DH</abbr> <expan>Drapers' Hall</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="folger-shakespeare-library"> <catDesc>Folger Shakespeare Library</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="GH"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>GH</abbr> <expan>Goldsmiths' Hall</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="gonville-caius-library"> <catDesc>Gonville and Caius College Library (Cambridge)</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="GI-Arch"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>GI Arch</abbr> <expan>Gray's Inn Archives</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="GL"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>GL</abbr> <expan>Guildhall Library</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="hatfield-house-library"> <catDesc>Hatfield House Library</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="IT-Arch"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>IT Arch</abbr> <expan>Inner Temple Archives</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="IT-Lib"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>IT Lib</abbr> <expan>Inner Temple Library</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="lambeth-palace-library"> <catDesc>Lambeth Palace Library</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="leathersellers-hall"> <catDesc>Leathersellers' Hall</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="lincoln-cathedral-library"> <catDesc>Lincoln Cathedral Library</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="LI-Arch"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>LI Arch</abbr> <expan>Lincoln's Inn Archives</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="LI-Lib"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>LI Lib</abbr> <expan>Lincoln's Inn Library</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="LMA"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>LMA</abbr> <expan>London Metropolitan Archives</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="longleat-house"> <catDesc>Longleat House</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="mercers-hall"> <catDesc>Mercers' Hall</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="MT-Arch"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>MT Arch</abbr> <expan>Middle Temple Archives</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="MT-Lib"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>MT Lib</abbr> <expan>Middle Temple Library</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="parliamentary-archives"> <catDesc>Parliamentary Archives</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="rousham-house"> <catDesc>Rousham House</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="st-bartholomews-hospital-archives"> <catDesc>St Bartholomew's Hospital Archives</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="st-james-palace"> <catDesc>St James Palace</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="st-johns-college-library"> <catDesc>St John's College Library (Cambridge)</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="stationers-hall"> <catDesc>Stationers' Hall</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="TNA"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>TNA:PRO</abbr> <expan>The National Archives:Public Records Office</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="trinity-college-library"> <catDesc>Trinity College Library (Cambridge)</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="york-city-archives"> <catDesc>York City Archives</catDesc> </category> </category> <category xml:id="short_title_catalogues"> <catDesc>Short-Title Catalogues</catDesc> <category xml:id="STC"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>STC</abbr> <expan>Pollard and Redgrave (eds), Short-Title Catalogue</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="Wing"> <catDesc> <choice> <abbr>Wing</abbr> <expan>Wing, Short-Title</expan> </choice> </catDesc> </category> </category> </taxonomy> </classDecl> </encodingDesc> <profileDesc> <langUsage> <language ident="en">English</language> <language ident="la">Latin</language> </langUsage> </profileDesc> </teiHeader> <text type="record"> <body> <div> <head><title>Court of Aldermen, Repertory 1, <date when="1501">1501–2</date></title></head> </div> <div type="transcription"> <div xml:lang="en"><head><supplied>f 90v [This transcription of f 90v originally appeared in Appendix 6 of Lancashire (ed), <title>Civic London to 1558</title>]</supplied></head> <pb type="folio" n="90v"/> <p>On the same day, a day was given for each alderman to bring in the arrears of the money assessed on their wards against the coming of the <persName ref="" key="Catherine of Aragon" cert="high" type="real">Lady Katherine</persName>, daughter of the <persName ref="">king of Spain</persName>, on the <date when="1501-11-12" cert="high">Thursday next following</date>, and this under penalty of imprisonment.</p> <note place="margin_left" type="marginal">Memorandum that the mayor's and sheriffs' clerks will be contributors to all charges, etc.</note> <note place="margin_left" type="marginal"><handShift/>Cancelled afterwards at the court in the time of Mayor Rest.<handShift/></note> <p>Likewise it was decided that the clerks of the mayor's court and the counting-room clerks, as well as the mayor's and sheriffs' servants and yeomen, from henceforth will be contributors to all charges assessed, just like other citizens, according to their means, provided that regarding the waits and the rest of the officers, that is to say, constables and the like, they will be exempted entirely.</p> <p>A fine of £20 was assessed on the <orgName ref="" key="Worshipful Company of Mercers" cert="high">Mercers' Company</orgName><note type="researchNote">Translation from original Latin:<p>¶Eod<ex>e</ex>m die <note type="foot">Eod<ex>e</ex>m die: <hi rend="italic">2 December</hi></note> dat<ex>us</ex> est dies cuilibet Ald<ex>e</ex>r<ex>mann</ex>o ad inportand<ex>a</ex> arreragia<ex/> denarior<ex>um</ex> assess<ex>orum</ex> sup<ex>er</ex> ward<ex>as</ex> suas erga aduent<ex>um</ex> d<ex>omi</ex>ne kat<ex>er</ex>ine filie <note type="foot">filie: e <hi rend="italic">correctect over j</hi></note> Reg<ex>is</ex> <del>e</del> lspanie die Iouis p<ex>ro</ex>x<ex>imo</ex> sequent<ex>i</ex> <del>s</del> & hoc sub pena inprisonamenti </p> <note type="marginal" place="margin_left">M<ex>emora</ex>nd<ex>um</ex> Cl<ex>er</ex>ici M<ex>aioris</ex> <del><gap/></del> & vic<ex>ecomitum</ex> erunt contribut<ex>orij</ex> Ad om<ex>ni</ex>a on<ex>er</ex>a &c.</note> <note place="margin_left" type="marginal"><handShift/>Adnull<ex>atum</ex> postea Ad Cur<ex>iam</ex> t<ex>empor</ex>e Rest M<ex>aioris</ex><handShift/></note> <p>It<ex>e</ex>m Considerat<ex>um</ex> est q<ex>uo</ex>d cl<ex>er</ex>ici cur<ex>ie</ex> Maior<ex>is</ex> et cl<ex>er</ex>ici computa<add place="above">to</add>rior<ex>um</ex> <note type="foot">computa<add place="above">to</add>rior<ex>um</ex>: <hi rend="italic">for</hi> computatorij</note> <del>de</del> nec non s<ex>er</ex>uient<ex>es</ex> et valecti Maioris et vic<ex>ecomtum</ex> de cet<ex>er</ex>o er<ex>u</ex>nt contributorij ad o<ex>mn</ex>ia onera assess<ex>a</ex> sicut alij ciues s<ex>e</ex>c<ex>un</ex>d<ex>u</ex>m facultates suas <del>se</del> ita tamen q<ex>uo</ex>d de vigilijs & cet<ex>er</ex>is officijs viz. const<ex>abularijs</ex> et similes <note type="foot">similes: <hi rend="italic">for similibus</hi></note> penit<ex>us</ex> exon<ex>er</ex>abu<ex>n</ex>t<ex>ur</ex></p><p>ffin<ex>is</ex> <add place="above">xx<hi rend="superscript">ti</hi> li.</add> assess<ex>us</ex> sup<ex>er</ex> <del>s</del> Mistera<ex>m</ex> Merceror<ex>um</ex> </p></note></p> <gap/> </div><div xml:lang="en"> <head><supplied>f 97v <date when-iso="1502-04-05">(5 April)</date> </supplied></head> <pb n="97v" type="folio"/> <gap reason="omitted"/> <ab>M<ex>emoran</ex>d<ex>um</ex> that the audito<ex>ur</ex>s of the pageant<ex>es</ex> be warnyd to be at the Co<ex>u</ex>rte vppon Thirsday</ab> <gap reason="omitted"/> </div> <div xml:lang="en"> <head><supplied>f 98v <date when-iso="1502-04-12">(12 April)</date> </supplied></head> <pb n="98v" type="folio"/> <gap reason="omitted"/> <ab>It<ex>e</ex>m at the same co<ex>ur</ex>t The mynstrell<ex>es</ex> bill was graunted for to be freme<ex>n</ex> And haue their Som<ex>er</ex> lyu<ex>er</ex>ey</ab> <gap reason="omitted"/> </div> <div xml:lang="en"> <head><supplied>f 100 <date when-iso="1502-05-01">(1 May)</date> </supplied></head> <pb n="100" type="folio"/> <gap reason="omitted"/> <ab>M<ex>emoran</ex>d<ex>um</ex> that the Comyners wich hadde the ouersight of makyng of the pageant<ex>es</ex> be warnyd to bee at this co<ex>ur</ex>te a Thyrsday next co<ex>m</ex>myng<note type="researchNote">Thyrsday … co<ex>m</ex>myng: <hi rend="italic">Thursday, 5 May</hi></note>/ every of theym seuerally to be chargid w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex> the sellyng of the stuff of the pageant<ex>es</ex> that they hadde Rule of</ab> <gap reason="omitted"/> </div> <div xml:lang="en"> <head><supplied>f 109 <date when-iso="1502-09-13">(13 September)</date> </supplied></head> <pb n="109" type="folio"/> <gap reason="omitted"/> <ab>M<ex>emoran</ex>d<ex>um</ex> to speke w<ex>i</ex>t<ex>h</ex> M<ex>r</ex> Martyn and M<ex>r</ex> Wood for thaccom<ex>m</ex>pte of the pageaunt<ex>es</ex></ab> </div> <div xml:lang="en"> <head><supplied>f 113 <date when-iso="1502-10-25">(25 October)</date> </supplied></head> <pb n="113" type="folio"/> <gap reason="omitted"/> <note type="marginal" place="margin_left">vacat q<ex>uia</ex> p<ex>ost</ex>ea</note> <ab><del>At this co<ex>ur</ex>te it is agreed that <persName>M<ex>r</ex> Milbo<ex>u</ex>rne chamb<ex>er</ex>len</persName> shall macke a lees to <persName>willyam Strynger</persName> <del>ins</del> ^ <add place="above">in</add> consideracion And <del>rew</del> for reco<ex>m</ex>pense and reward of the labo<ex>ur</ex> that the same willyam haith Susteynid and tayn aswell a boute the Rekynnyng of the Stuff that was occupied aboute the pageant<ex>es</ex> as a boute the Nwe woork<ex>es</ex> made at the <placeName ref="">gyldhall</placeName> of</del></ab> <note type="marginal" place="margin_left">No<ex>t</ex>a</note> <ab>At this co<ex>ur</ex>te it is agreed that in consideracion and for reco<ex>m</ex>pense and rewarde <del>that</del> of the labo<ex>ur</ex>s and diligence that <persName>willyam Strynger</persName> haith susteynyd and tane aswell a boute the rekennyng<ex>es</ex> of the stuff and charg<ex>es</ex> don vppon the pageant<ex>es</ex> made a gaynst <persName ref="">my lady p<ex>r</ex>inces</persName> first enteryng in to <placeName ref="">this cite</placeName> as a boute the howses of offices nwe made at the <placeName ref="">gyldhall</placeName>/ <del><damage><gap unit="chars" extent="1"/></damage></del> willyam Milbo<ex>u</ex>rne chamb<ex>er</ex>len shall macke to the saide <persName>willyam Strynger</persName> A lees of the howse that he nowe dwellyth yn wich howse <persName>willyam ffox</persName> Clerk of the Maires co<ex>ur</ex>te late occupied and helde <del>for</del> in the <placeName ref="">p<ex>ar</ex>isshe of sceynt Michaell in Basynghawe</placeName> for the space of xx<note type="researchNote">xx: <hi rend="italic">corrected over</hi> xv</note> yeres paiyng and yeldyng to the chamber for the same yerly/ v s./ duryng the saide t<ex>er</ex>me of xx<note type="researchNote">xx: <hi rend="italic">corrected over</hi> xv</note> yeres/<note type="researchNote">At … yeres/: <hi rend="italic">also in Journal 10, f 267v</hi></note></ab> <gap reason="omitted"/> </div> </div> <div type="endnote"><div><head>Endnote</head> <p>The records transcribed from ff 90v, 97v, 100, 109, and 113 all concern the pageants from the 12 November 1501 royal entry of Katherine of Aragon, for the details of which, see <ref target="">Appendix 1</ref> under 1501–2. (William) Martin and (Thomas) Wood, named on f 109, were two of the aldermen appointed, 19 November 1499, to liaise with the king’s commissioners on entry preparations; see <ref target="">Repertory 1, 1499–1500</ref>.</p> <p>The court date for the entry from 98v is corrected in the manuscript from 22 April to 12 April; the bill referred to (<ref target="">Journal 10, 1501–2</ref>) is the city waits’ petition to be members of the Minstrels’ Company and to have the summer clothing promised to them.</p> <p>The date of the manuscript record from f 113 appears to have been corrected from 26 October, but the version of the record in Journal 10, f 267v, is dated 6 October. For the installation of kitchens (and accompanying areas such as larders, and cellars for wine and ale) in the Guildhall, at the initiative of 1501–2 mayor John Shaa, see the 'Mayoral Oath-Takings and Shrieval Presentations' in <ref target="">Drama, Music, and Ceremonial Customs</ref>. </p></div></div> <div type="event"><div> <head>Event note</head> <p>This record refers to the <ref target="">royal entry of Katherine of Aragon</ref> on 12 November 1501.</p></div> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> Document Download Object Type XML document